Creating a Personal Mission Statement has become a transformative way for me to tap into my personal power without overthinking things. I believe that it may be helpful for you as well. Here’s why:
Writing a Personal Mission Statement is an act of self-discovery, empowerment, and healing. It allows you to define yourself and how you intend to live. It doesn’t have to be long, or complicated; it just has to be true to who you are, and how you can live your best, most authentic life.
Your own Personal Mission Statement can help you to see yourself more clearly. It can also help you decide what matters most to you, often reminding you of your values and goals. They can help you to see if your choices are in alignment with what you want for your life. On a side note, I have found that my own Statement (just two simple sentences) has also helped me manage time and task management. Deciding what to do with your time is equally important as deciding what not to do with your time.
A Personal Mission Statement is usually no more than 100 words and 2 to 3 sentences. It’s not about the length or complexity, but the truth it holds about our identity and aspirations. Personal Mission Statements keep you focused on the present. The power of the present is the only place that you can create and make things happen.
How might the healing happen, you ask?
The process of writing a mission statement is about taking accountability of who you are, and where you stand at this moment. It invites you to look at yourself and your hopes without judgment and with compassion. Your statement can then help you figure out a plan to get from where you are today to where you want to be in the future – and it doesn’t need to be the far-off future, either. Each step we take is a healing moment, whether it is one of discovery, planning or action. Every choice we make is a personal growth and healing moment laden with rich opportunities.
Short and Simple
Creating a Personal Mission Statement is not necessarily intuitive. It can feel almost like the opposite; writing down what you intend to do and who you intend to be, or become, is work. But the truth is, when we approach from a place of curiosity about ourselves, everything we don’t want to do and everything we don’t want to be disappears. We become less likely to engage in distractions that pull us away from the choices that lead to the self that we want to be. The statement can make choices a lot easier, because each choice we make either gets us closer or farther away from our mission.
Follow the Yellow Brick Road
Creating and writing a statement is like making an agreement with yourself; it is much harder to wiggle out of what you’ve agreed to do. You can use this statement as a reminder when you find yourself confused, or wanting to take a shortcut. It can be your compassionate tap on the shoulder to get back to being the person that you are, and who you want to become.
Keep the Momentum Going
Whenever you feel like you’re stuck, or could use a nudge, you can use these two to three sentences to remind yourself of what you hope for, who you are, and how far you have already come.
It’s Not What Others Think
These words reflect the amazing individuals that we are, and they reflect our visions for ourselves. We separate who we are and what we want for ourselves from what other people expect or want from us. Often this can support us in having a different relationship with the validation that we think we need from others in our lives.
Not that validation and acknowledgement isn’t nice to have, but you don’t need it to define who you are and the person that you are striving to become! We all become stronger and more confident in ourselves, and can be more open-hearted and honest in our relationships.
Almost Last Words
Now that I have shared all the reasons to embark on the adventure of writing a Personal Mission Statement, I will share with you the three questions that helped me create mine.
My Three “You are Here” Questions
- Consider who you are, and who you want to be. What’s most important to you, and what are you most passionate about?
- Consider what or who you most value. How is your life connected to these people or things?
- Consider the mark you want to leave on the world. What do you want to be most remembered for accomplishing?
My Personal Mission Statement
Here is my Personal Mission Statement. I hope that it helps inspire you to create your own. If you decide to take this challenge, please send me a copy of your statement. I promise to read it and provide feedback for your personal journey.
“I believe I am most authentic when I self-reflect, and engage with ongoing learning. I am committed to the process of personal creation that will help me continue to grow and heal. This journey into authenticity is ongoing and evolving, helping me understand and articulate who I truly am and I will support others to do the same, sharing open-heartedly, and honestly, and compassionately. (Two sentences, 65 words)
Your Personal Mission Statement Begins Your Transformation
Embarking on the journey of crafting a Personal Mission Statement offers deep insights and clarity, reinforcing your path towards personal growth. If you find yourself seeking guidance or clarity in this introspective process, consider the profound impact of coaching. A coach can serve as a catalyst, illuminating your path to self-discovery and empowerment, assisting you in articulating and living your most authentic life.
Ready to unlock your full potential? Let’s explore this transformation together.
As your journey unfolds, consider the transformative power of coaching. A coach serves as a beacon, illuminating the steps toward nurturing your intuitive roots and branching out towards your full potential. Harnessing the wisdom within and around you, personal clarity can be your natural state. Thrive in harmony with your personal ecosystem; allow the guidance of my coaching to ground and enlighten your path.